Holy Trinity Music Program
Choir Director Lynn Payette

In addition to providing music for worship services, Holy Trinity also hosts many musical events for the community.
Watch for upcoming performance information in the Weekly Reminders, the Weekly Bulletin, and the Upcoming Events on our website.
The choir at Holy Trinity is made up of dedicated volunteers who lead congregational singing and provide Offertory anthems for the 10:30 a.m. Sunday service from September through Trinity Sunday in June. Weekly rehearsals are held during that time period as well. Other opportunities for ministry are memorial services and special services during Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter as well as periodic Evensong services. An annual Jazz Mass is celebrated on the last Sunday of Epiphany, just prior to Ash Wednesday. Interested and qualified individuals also have the opportunity to solo or sing in a small ensemble, especially during the Summer. The choir is open to all without audition. Contact the Music Director, Lynn Payette, lynn@holytrinityhsv.org, if you are interested.

Past Choirs

Choir Director -- Lynn Payette
A native of Wheaton, Illinois, Lynn Payette graduated with academic and performing honors from Illinois Wesleyan University (Bachelor of Sacred Music) and Illinois State University (Master of Music). She has worked with singers and instrumentalists of all ages, was the Music Assistant at the Church of the Transfiguration, Dallas, Texas, and planned and played for all services at Lambeth Palace, London, England, when she served on the personal staff of the Archbishop of Canterbury. At her previous position, Lynn's Parish Choir toured England twice and sang, by invitation, at the National Cathedral in Washington DC for Arkansas Day.
New voices are always welcome in the Holy Trinity Choir and you are welcome to contact Lynn at lynn@holytrinityhsv.org for more information.