Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
Memorial Garden

Scatter Garden

Holy Trinity Episcopal Church seeks to follow Christian tradition of burial that involves the rapid return of human remains to a natural state: “. . .earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust,” (Book 0f Common Prayer, p. 501).
The practice of burial by means of either interment or scattering of cremated human remains (hereafter, ashes) is a ministry of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church offered primarily to its members and the immediate family of members. Therefore, all interment and scattering of ashes will be by clergy of the Episcopal Church, and in accordance with the rubrics of the Book of Common Prayer, as well as the Canons of the Episcopal Church and the Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas.
Holy Trinity provides three options for Interment or Inurnment of Human Ashes.
1. Interment in the Memorial Garden
2. Interment in the Scatter Garden
3. Inurnment in the Columbarium.
Details and guidelines are available upon request.
A list of the interments in Holy Trinity’s Memorial Garden can be found at the "Find a Grave" website.