Welcome Visitors

Welcome to Holy Trinity. We understand that visiting a new church can be somewhat intimidating. We have all been there before, for we were all new to the Village and a village church at some time. Therefore, we want our visitors to know a little of what to expect when they come to Holy Trinity for the first time. Below are some commonly asked questions that will hopefully make you feel more comfortable when visiting us.
Where are we located?
We are at the north central part of the Village on Barcelona Road. Click here for details.
When are services?
For your convenience, Holy Trinity celebrates three Holy Eucharist services each weekend. The Saturday evening and 8:00 AM Sunday services are without music and the 10:30 Sunday service includes congregational hymns as well as the parish choir. Click here for schedules.
Are services streamed live?
What to wear?
There is no specific dress code, wear what makes you comfortable. As with most churches these days, anything from casual to formal is always acceptable. There is always a mixture at the services.
Where to park?
The parking lot has special visitor parking spaces and handicapped spaces near the entrance, but you can park anywhere you like.
What entrance do I enter?
There are two entrances into Holy Trinity. The entrance to our main lobby is at the end the long, covered sidewalk. The entrance to the right off the long sidewalk, goes into the Narthex of the church. There are greeters at both entrances. You are welcome to use either entrance.
Are there special visitor procedures?
Our greeters and ushers will welcome you and answer your questions. We make a point of not making visitors uncomfortable by asking them to standout or be introduced etc. Most of our parishioners will recognize someone visiting and will greet them when it is convenient and make everyone feel comfortable and welcome.
Where to do I sit?
The ushers will hand you a service bulletin and show you into the Sanctuary. You may sit anywhere you would like.
What is worship service like?
The service will start with a procession of the cross and clergy (and the choir at the 10:30 AM Sunday music service). The Episcopal Church comes out of the Anglican liturgical tradition. The entire service, which comes from the Book of Common Prayer, is printed in the bulletin (except for the hymns for the music services). Our service is a combination of listening to scripture and a sermon, and responding with song and prayer. After “The Peace” where we all greet one another, the second half of the service is Holy Communion where we share the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. The service ends with a blessing and a recession of the cross and clergy (and choir at music services).
When do I stand, sit, and kneel?
Cues for these transitions are italicized for each section of the service in the bulletin. We stand for hymns, the Gospel proclamation, and the Creed. We sit to listen to other scripture readings and the sermon. We kneel (as able) for the confession of sins and during prayers. Either standing and kneeling are acceptable.
Who can take Communion and how do I receive it?
All baptized Christians are invited to receive Holy Communion. To receive Communion, you will proceed to the altar rail as controlled by the ushers. If you do not wish to receive Communion, you may stay in your pew. You may kneel or stand at the rail. To receive the bread, place one hand in the other, palms up and extend them to the minister distributing the bread. To receive the wine, please received the cup or dip the bread in the cup. If you choose not to receive the bread or the wine but instead receive a blessing, cross your arms over your chest.
What if I’m not mobile enough to go to the altar rail?
If you would like Communion but cannot get to the altar rail, you should make it known to the usher and the clergy will come to you in the pew.
What about fellowship after the service?
We all gather in Sifford Hall for fellowship and coffee/snacks after the 10:30 service.
Who is the Rector?
Our Rector is the Rev. Dr. Keith Hearnsberger. We also have a two additional priests that fill in at different services, the Rev. Don Brown and the Rev. Bruce Limozaine, and a Deacon, the Rev. Brenda Kroll.
Are there organized Bible studies?
There is currently one Bible study session scheduled weekly and one prayer group. Check the weekly schedule by clicking here.
How do I show interest in learning more about the church?
Please sign the guest book in the Narthex.
If you would like to be contacted, there are cards in the pews to leave your name and other information. Our welcoming people and the Rector will follow up with you.
How do I join the church?
If you are interested in joining the church, please call the church office and you will be directed as how to proceed. If you would like to meet with the Rector, this can also be arranged.
Of course, our clergy or church staff are available to assist with any questions you may have by contacting the church office at 501-922-0299 during office hours. For office hours, click here.