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Neighborhood Care Groups

Care groups are a vital pastoral-care ministry in our church. The Village population is very spread out, so six care groups were formed, each responsible for a geographical zone. They function as both social groups, meeting periodically, and as crisis-response teams, providing assistance in various ways. 

Book and Gift Store

The Book and Gift Store was established in the mid-’90s as a small greeting card display and an assemblage of small gifts. In 2003, the bookstore was relocated to Sifford Hall and became a source for religious and family-friendly reading materials and gifts.  The monies earned in the bookstore are contributed to various Holy Trinity outreach programs such as Camp Mitchell, the Dick Johnston Camp, the Village Shoe Fund, Project Hope, and Jackson House. 

Grounds Care Team

This team of hard workers inspects and monitors the health and condition of all church outdoor plants.  They work with service providers in the care of the lawn, shrubs and off-lawn plants. Workdays, which include the Team and other volunteers, are held throughout the year to provide general clean-up and upkeep of the church grounds.

Flower Guild

The Flower Guild handles the arrangement and display of all flowers, greenery, and decorations used in the church throughout the year.  The beauty of flowers greatly enhances the enjoyment of church services and events. The guild also delivers the altar flowers weekly to ill or homebound parishioners. The guild is funded solely through contributions to the Flower Fund, the Sunday alter flowers, and donations for seasonal decorating.

Kitchen Committee

The Kitchen Committee prepares and serves food for various Parish functions, such as:  the Annual Meeting, Octoberfest, Mardi Gras and other special occasions throughout the year.  

Hospitality Committee

The Hospitality Committee hosts receptions for the Bishop's annual visit and our many wonderful musical concerts. They also provide lunch for our Care Cap volunteers and refreshments for Celebration Sunday.

Holy Trinity Episcopal Church

199 Barcelona Rd.

Hot Springs Village, AR 71909


Service Schedule

 Holy Eucharist 


8: 30 AM (spoken)

10:30 AM (choral)

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